Shopping While Black

Shopping While Black UK x Black Lives Matter UK Campain Initiative 2023 - 2024

Racial discrimination is illegal, nontheless it still it manages to flourish and thrive in British and American retail and service settings. This type of retail racism and has relatively gone unchecked to dismantal until now.

Time to confront racial profiling and racism in the retail industry head on.

Are you in?



Are you in?

1) Get Started - Read the Charter

2) Get Read - With the Pledge

If you want to make it your business to show racism the door sign our FREE SWB pledge to commit to end racial discriminating within your premises and service -- The Pledge is right here!

Shopping While Black

"Shopping while Black" is a daily lived experience and effecting millions of people of colour at every age, gender, from childhood all the way through adulthood. The negative practice of profiling Black customers is traumatasing, is an adverse childhood and adult experience has never had a expiry date. Until now!

You may have become aware of this as a a phrase used for the type of marketplace discrimination in the retail industy, in store, shops, retail as well as when seeking services. This act of discrimination is also called "consumer racial profiling", "consumer racism" and "racial profiling in a retail" and spatial settings. Shopping while Black describes the experience of being denied service, given poor service, unequal service, even when simply window shopping, browsing, also post sales, aftersales, accessing and recieving customer services. It is when you're automatically assumed to be a suspect of criminality, stealing, theiving goods for on no other reason and basis other than presenting yourself being Black.

Black people are tired, exhausted and have had just about enough of racism and discrimination in every space. Black people are still fighting for equal rights to be treated as human, equal in every space we occupy with white counterparts, and this includes and matters in retail and services industires as buying consumers as it does in general society.

The Black consumer has value, the Black shopper, has great spending power that needs to be recognised and equally and respected. The Black pound in the hands of Black consumers is valuable AND if not valued may, have begun to reconsider where to spend the Black dollars and pound. It's time to take custom to stores that present as active in anti-racism practices and policy.


Should you continue business with button on snooze you may wake late AND miss the party. Your brand may begin to loose valuable year of built up reputation, as well as profits and when unconcious and fast asleep to the current climate of being progressily 'WOKE' to racial injustices, racial equality and equity - WAKEY, WAKEY - TIME TO WAKE UP!!

👁️‍🗨️ Under Black Shoppers Eyes

In the interest of Black shoppers and racial discriminaton rights, specifically racial profiling in the retail and services industry effecting its Black shoppers, consumers, WE are collectively empower consumers to put the pressure on and WE all become Shopping While Black Public Eyes, placing the retail and service industry under the collective eye of the Black gaze.

So together, lets partner to make and create a fairer and equitable welcome in a non-hostile enviroment to standardised retail experince,  to high standard equally across all stores, outlets and services, inlcuding online too.

Black Shoppers Matter.

Black Lives Matter.

Shopping While Black


Shoppping While Black (SWB ) is empowering Black consumers both in the UK & US to make the right choices when shopping, and in turn we're helping business to communitcate directly with Black shopper.

Businessses can now let Black shoppers, their consumers know you get it and want to change it!

Black shoppers feel discriminated against by racial profiling, individually or as group - identified as potential shoplifters purely based on skin colour MUST STOP.

Racism in retail is totally an unacceptable practice that is blatantly crossed each day. We've launched this campaign in the UK and US and expanding worldwide to support and empower Black consumers to make the right choice for a great ✔perience rather than a traumatic e✘perience to remember. Many Black consumers have been adversly effected, nonetheless have become accustomed to this type of discrimination in retail far too long.

We're here to assist Black shoppers to best find stores, which value and respect them as well the Black pound and dollar in the Black hand. We will and of course call out where to avoid and EVEN suggest considering boycotting as a collective if/where neccesary. We may also share where racism lives and operates, under what roofs it resides and continues to thrive.

Shoppping While Black (SWB) will consider calling out racism specifically and as well as directly with the company in question in the retail and services sector industry, when/if we recieve evidence, written information, statements and video evidence that Black shoppers have shared and exposed as an hostile retail and or service enviroment.

We're supporting Black consumers to know their worth, feel, and own their worth and start to walk on by, to let their feeting do the walking and take their custom elsewhere.  Begin to buy more goods and services more often here they are welcome and ONLY spend cash and flex their debit/credit cards where the Black pound, dollar is valued in the palms of Black consumer hands

We're beginning a new era of zero tolerance to racism in every industry, a time of tangible living changes is overcoming tolerance of racism. And we're partnering with progressive anti-racist businesses wanting and willing to construct effective safe circle, non hostile spaces and enviroment to end racism in the retail and services industry. Where ever racism is found it must be given a permenently ban, time to show racism the door and final exit.

We are willing to work in partnerships to create true anti-racist spatial spaces so Black shoppers get to have a positive experience without fear or favour, simply fair and equal trading as standard.

Time to show racism the Final Exit.

If you are a business and want to sign our SWB pledge to commit to show racism the door and final exit then you're the very type of company we want to do business with and share with our target audience to be well informed where they are genuinely welcome.

Is your business into the anti-racism?

If YOU have the right attitude and prepared to commit then WE have right charter and pledge that's right for you and your anti-racism business. Let's get started!

Launching this campaign Black Lives Matter UK x Shopping While Black UK & US in partnership is a global endeavour, which means our work is long and wide and needs your support, help us to end racism, racial profiling and unequal, unfair treatament experienced by Black consumers in retail and service settings.

Support us to expel racism from retail stores and show racism the door and Final Exit.





Shopping While Black Stores is the global engagement campaign and initiative relaying the importance of permanentley showing racism in retail and services the FINAL EXIT — SWB partners with businesses and brands globally to extend a warm and genuine welcome when receiving the Black dollar or pound from the holders of Black hand.

Shopping While Black Initiative, campaign is developed for Black Lives Matter UK to run side by side with the world wide global movment --  collective global campaign to accelerate, expidite and drive racial equality in the retail industry around the world.

If you want to sponor, partner, volunteer with us, contribute, or just chat about something on your mind related to the retail campaign, email us at

Shopping While Black