"Shopping while Black" is a phrase that fits the discription and used for the type of marketplace discrimination that is also called "consumer racial profiling", "consumer racism" or "racial profiling in a retail setting". This type of racial discrimination applies to Black people. Shopping while Black is the experience of being denied service or given poor service because one is Black, and brown.
Racial profiling or ethnic profiling is the act of suspecting, targeting or discriminating against a person on the basis of their ethnicity, religion, or nationality, rather than on individual suspicion or available evidence. Racial profiling involves discrimination against minority populations and often builds on negative stereotypes of the targeted demographic. Racial profiling can involve disproportionate stop searches, traffic stops, and the use of surveillance technology for facial identification.
Racial profiling can often unfairly occurs when the state has policies in place that target specific racial groups, this practice occurs inside and outside official legislation
We argue that racial profiling is discriminatory, as it disproportionately targets people of colour and an ineffective. It is also illegal to racially discriminate in the UK and many other countries too.
"Shopping while Black" involves a Black person being followed around or closely monitored by a store employyer, often a security guard who suspects they may steal, but it can also involve being denied store access, being refused service, use of ethnic slurs, being searched, being asked for extra forms of identification, having purchases limited, being required to have a higher credit limit than other customers, being charged a higher price, or being asked more rigorous questions on applications. It could also mean a request for any item the store actually carries being denied with the store attendant claiming that the item does not exist or is not in stock. This can be the result of store policy, or individual employee prejudice. Consumer racial profiling occurs in many retail environments including grocery stores, clothing shops, department stores and office supply shops locall and nationally, and companies accused of consumer racial profiling have included, many well known brands in the UK and US Eddie Bauer, Office Max, Walmart, Sears, Dillard's, Macy's, Home Depot and Sephora among many more.
Shopping while black is sometimes also called "shopping while Black or brown", but Black people are the most frequently targeted.
Retailers assume and make assumptions about their Black shoppers based on stereotypes that say Blacks are more likelier than others to commit crimes and to not be credit-worthy.
Many Black consumers experience microaggressions while shopping. Often followed around the store, shown the sale section of a store without being prompted, ignored, or told the price of an expensive clothing item without being prompted.
Black consumer microaggressions may affect the mental and emotional health of its victims. Microaggressions can be subtle and unrecognisable for those not affected. Those who have experienced consumer microaggressions may experience stress and feel inhuman, dehumanised, distressed and disrespected as well as questions one’s own perception of the event, having to repeatedly explain the scenario and the microaggressions and facing any legal implications.
Black consumers have developed strategies to mitigate consumer microaggressions, including only shopping at particular stores, dressing in "professional" clothing to attract or avoid attention, only shopping online and more are deciding to boycot stores in which they felt discrimination.
Black People who have experienced consumer racial profiling have described it as embarrassing, insulting, hurtful and frightening, at least ruins the shopping experience.
Some Black shoppers try to avoid racial discrimination either by avoiding white-owned businesses entirely or by deliberately dressing in a middle-class style. Because they are likelier to live and work in majority-white neighborhoods, middle-class black people experience more racial profiling than poorer black people.
Responses to "Shopping while Black" treatment can be divided, may consist of an exit, leave the store, complain, boycott or eve file a lawsuit. Most still accept the situation and continue shopping becuase it what Black people are used to all thier lives.
However, these days, particulary since Black Lives Matter has given a voice to the Black people discrininated, Black people are likelier to launch a boycott against a shop-owner. A boycott is likelier to succeed in once more voice add to the the noise!
The SWB logo has meaning - Not only does it has ethnicity and a clutural feel with lines, curves and stripes. It represents the way, the old trodden journey and the new way and journey we're about to embark on... The logoe represents aisle we've travelled, shopping aisles we STILL navigating through discrimnatory eyes set on us in retail stores and services, the suspecting eyes following and watching whilst we shop, being Black. This is the way we have to navigate all our lives. It's time it stopped.
We're flipping the script, its over time that we turned and reflected our eyes back on the retail and services industry, they must take stock and responsibility and accountability. SWB is helping to empower Black consumer, supporting Black shopper's to turn the tables, tod turn their eyes on those who unfairly watch us over us, without reason. To now watch 'them' as they watch 'us' and report by calling it out, to cut it from retail and services while we shop being Black.
We are building resources to assist and help Black consumers
Collective consumer eyes are taking back the power by reflecting bright enlighted and empowered eyes back at UK businesses to let CEO's know, we've got this and prepared to call it out for them to cut it out. This type of discrimination is illegal, it is racial profiling and not only must it STOP, it must cease to be in operation in RETAIL- RACISM IN RETAIL MUST END
BUSINESS Partners can download, print, share and show by displaying our partners badge to demonstrate they've taken the pledge to make Black people welcome too.
Paying twice - Black consumers often pay twice!
Shopping while Black significantly reduces the daily retail experience for Black people EVEN though we have great economic spending power valuable to retailers and brands, however we pay twice in two ways.
Well it's not just for the goods, which we do we than pay by being accused for NOT paying for the good we have actually purchased and have the receipt as proof at hand.
When we seek products going aisle to aisle it isn't without fear, it isn't a thing like we cannot afford the product we pick, yet still we often experience being peered at and followed. Tense, upset that the security guard, shopping assistant behind, peering aisle to aisle like we are criminal. When in fact they are the ones committing an illegal act of discrimination and racial profiling.
We are subjected to unwarranted supervision, inordinately challenged and labelled as suspects of theft, thieving whilst white people get the privilege and pleasure at their leisure to free roam the entire store unsupervised, unchallenged and negligible thoughts or fear of labelling in every store.
Black shoppers routinely followed by shop keepers in small local shops too, and security guards in larger stores seem to think Black customers are trying to steal branded products.
Racial profiling, is racist and is blatant racism at the highest making us fee like the lowest denomination of humankind. Retailer don't do enough when hiring security guards to carry out racist bigotry work. This needs to be addressed.
Retail Racism is illegal as well as an unjust inequitable experiences embedded gone unchecked.Racialised discrimination and handling of Black consumers as less has no place in a fair and equal society that claims to be anti-racist.
We are doing something about it so you can begin to enjoy the experience of shopping while Black.
We want to helps shoppers and victims of racial profiling challenge racism in retail and to put an end to racial discrimination when shopping or accessing a service. We're calling British retailers to step up to the plate, know and understand how awful, how humiliating and traumatising the experiences are and must end. Time for Black consumers to start shouting about it and they new do in the US!
Retailers need to be made fully aware how Black people have to navigate shopping tasks, how we have to think before we shop on entrance and while going from aisle to aisle. It's not just about the products we wish to buy, BUT the service we receive and the services we try to access and denied. Black shoppers retail experience is steeped in racism. This experience is known as ‘Shopping While Black’.
We aims to create a larger open discussion with the public, with UK retailers and store owners, to engage not just the BIG brands, but smaller and local retailers round the corner to address racism in retail, it occurs in every retail space and setting and has been looked over for too long.
We empowers Black shoppers, we support Black shoppers with resources to be aware of theri legal rights and how to challenge interrupt, and disrupt the status quo of accepting a lesser service compared to our with counterparts.
Mystery Shopper Assignments UK Wide
Test the service in UK shops and businesses by pretending to be a normal customer!
Our aims is to empower you, people like you, the Black shopper consumer as the end user of retail and services to make recommendations. We will not have the power to take action by enforcing recommendations, but we will however influence decision makers to make that change. And change is what's need and long over due. Racism is never accepted in any settings and the retail and services industry is not exempt either from the race discrimation act set in the UK and scrutiny of their practice and policies.
Choose Mystery Shopping Visits to Suit in your time can be during you regular shopping day visits too, when and where you want or wait to get a call fro us to go on a sortie, when where we have concerns.
Shopping While Black UK is the UK's new mystery shopping campaign to get retailer to wake up, shape up and step up. To take racial profiling serious and ensure racial profiling is not a thing ithat occuirs in their stores, outlets and businesses.
Shopping While Black Mystery shopping visits will take place all over the UK. From visiting local stores, banks to dealerships and many more enviroments, spaces, like inquiring about a loan, a new car, to visiting a high street gyms events, resturants, and dining spaces, or maybe bigger milstones in adult life that should be a special experience like viewing and buying a new home, test estate agents, development site - Many different spaces yet ofte many experience the same uneasy experience of 'Shopping While Black', racial discrimination in retail.
As a volunteer you can be active as much or as little as you like, at you convience, complete assignements in your own time. Tell us about you shopping experiences.
We do at time call up volunteers to go test buy at premises that we have reported concerns about, this will be a expence paid visit.
If you are asked to carry out a specific assignment you'll get paid an agreed fee for each individual assignement we've asked you to carry out, monitor and record infomation and at completion. This may include visitors fee's and other expenses that may vary depending on what's involved - All will be agreed with you before hand.
Advisory Board Members
SWB advisory board is a group of Black shoppers who lend their skills, guidance, knowledge and experience of shopping to an the retail industry. In short, an advisory board serves the purpose of its name 'Shopping Whiule Black' to offer advice that helps an retailers and industrymature and achieve its goals.
Locations: UK & Nationwide
Register to volunteer and join our Shopping While Black Team & Advisory Board
Many British Consumer have become more aware of racism in retail but no effective way to challange it. Black British consumers have been quiet long enough it's time to speak up and tell it as it is, shopping while Black in not just a phenomena in the USA. It lives right here in Britian and resides inside most branded and high street, back street and local stores and services setting the breadth of Britain.
Stories, accounts of racism is often untold to its vast extent, we often become aware, alarmed and angered when viewing videos posted on social media, that are now ever increasing. Racism in retail is being exposed and captured as evidence on film. The everyday Black consumer experience of racism in retail must end.
'Shopping While Black' is a type of discrimination that causes personal harm and injury felt by Black consumers. Black shoppers understand the complexity, risk of racial profiling upon entering most store in the UK, and this a form of racism what most Black shoppers of all ages will have experienced and encountered daily in retail, restaurants, marketplaces, events and other retail spaces that continues through life.
Even very young children at an innocent age must learn to navigate early on in life, soon as they become aware this is just another aspect of racism and growing up with racism all around in the UK. Black people have to learn to navigate places and spaces young yet it never gets easier with the humiliation of an inequitable service in contrast to service white shoppers receive, experience and not a thing they have to think about or question, at anytime, ever.
UK retail & services industry have long ignored and dismally failed in its responsibility to address this long-standing issue of retail racism, SO we feel it time (on the Black consumers behalf) this type of blatant racial profiling, racism and discrimination is addressed. The issue and resolution lay with British retailers themselves to fix.
Black people in the UK face discrimination when they shop. Often followed by security guards or treated suspiciously, they have to deal with systemic harassment and aggressions. This needs to stop!
shopping While Black Campaign aims to put an end to discrimination Black people experience in shops across the UK, in partnership with Black Lives Matter UK.
If you are a business and want to sign our pledge to commit to not discriminating in shops, it's right here.
If you are someone who has experienced racial discrimination while shopping, fill out this form. It will help us target companies that are doing harm and raise awareness about how widespread this problem is, share here.
If you want to become a volunteer shopper with us, contribute, or just chat about something on your mind related to the campaign, email us at
Shopping While Black
"Shopping while Black" is a daily lived experience and effecting millions of people of colour at every age, gender, from childhood all the way through adulthood. The negative practice of profiling Black customers has never had a expiry date. Until now!
You may have become aware of this as a a phrase used for the type of marketplace discrimination in the retail industy, in store, shop front retail as well as seeking services. This act of discrimination is also called "consumer racial profiling", "consumer racism" and "racial profiling in a retail" and spatial settings. Shopping while Black describes the experience of being denied service, given poor service, pre and post sales, aftersales, at customer services and is when you're automatically assumed to be a suspect of criminality on no other basis other than presenting yourself being Black.
Black people are tired, exhausted and had just about enough of racism and discrimination, YET still we fight for our rights to be treated as human, equal to in every space we occupy, including in retail and services industires as buying consumers.
The Black consumer has value, the Black shopper be it presenting physical and or online has spending power that needs to be recognised and equally respected. The Black pound in the hands of Black consumers if valuable, and if not valued we may, we WILL have to reconsider where we spend our pounds and take our custom.
NOTICE: TO BRITISH & UK RETAILERS AND SERVICE PROVIDERS - BEWARE YOU ARE ON NOTICE! Should you continue with button on snooze you may wake late AND miss the party. Your brand may begin to loose built reputation as well as profits and when unconcious and asleep in the current climate of being progressily 'woke' to racial justice, equality and equity - WAKEY, WAKEY - WAKE UP!!
In the interest Black peoples racial discriminaton rights, specifically racial profiling in the retial and services industry effecting its Black shoppers, consumers, WE must collectively empower ourselves to put pressure of and all become Shopping While Black eye, placing them under the collective Black gaze to make and create a fairer and equitable welcome and non-hostile enviroment to standardised their policy equally across all stores, outlets and services, inlcuding online too.
Black Lives Matter.
Black Lives Matter x Shopping While Black
"A Black customer was awarded $4.4 million in damages in racial profiling lawsuit against Walmart"
By Amy Simonson, CNN
Published 11:48 PM EDT, Mon August 22, 2022
Many black consumers are adopting a form of behaviour called ‘psychological passing’ as a way of coping with being racially profiled while shopping.
IT WAS a shopping trip that 41-year-old marketing executive Tina* had been looking forward to for some time.
After landing a new job she needed several new work outfit and headed in to one of her favourite London stores.
However, her experience in the store left her shaken. “I’d only begun looking at some suits when I noticed a security guard looking at me intently” she recalls.
“When I looked back to him I noticed his eyes glanced towards my bag. I immediately made the connection to race. He clearly thought I was going to steal something. I wasn’t the only person in that section of the shop but I was the only black woman.
Written by: Vic Motun
31st March 2022
NEW Shopping While Black SWB SEE IT REWARD IT Card. We working to effectively build partnerships with retailers and services to share the benefits with you, the Black consumer. SEE IT REWARD IT Card cards aims to brings discounts, voucher, tokens and free gifts.
We aim to be driving a campaign to bring an end to racial profiling and develop a positive brand new relationship with retailers and services.
SWB UK is working on partnering and bringing deals, offers and discounts specifically for our card members.
Support us in our SWB campaign so we can put and end to racism in retail and services industry!
"I’ve tried discussing this with customer service teams for some well-known supermarket and clothing chains, but nothing has changed. Thankfully, I am doing well for myself and would never consider stealing.
This situation has made me turn to online shopping instead. It’s not just about the discomfort; it’s taken a toll on my mental health, leading to low self-esteem and depression. It’s distressing to realise that people often judge me by my skin colour, and not by the content of my character."
Wed 7 Jun 2023 16.48 BST
"Name a store, and I’ll bet I can find a black person who has experienced discrimination there"
Writes Cassi Pittman Claytor
Mon 24 Jun 2019 07.00 BST
Shopping While Black is an Black Lives Matter Initiative
Inviting UK retailers to make a solid commitment to value its Black shoppers as well as their pounds. What Black consumers are demanding is for an end to racial profiling and not to be followed as a suspect of shoplifting while shopping. The Pledge allows customers to know who, and which retailers is committed and leading the way for Black shoppers to enjoy their shopping experiences without racial profiling and discrimination.
Mon 24 April 2020 18.52.00 BST
If you're being accused of shop lifting present the CALL IT PROTEST IT Card, which will inform the reader you wish to speak directly with the senior, supervisor and or manager of the store, business. Pre-empt, get the card becuase you know racial profiling is sure to occur again! Empower yourself with our CALL IT PROTEST IT Card.
"I no longer go into stores where I feel uncomfortable, or purchase from brands that drill that kind of behavior into their employees. When a salesman at a popular beauty establishment commented that my name sounded “tribal” or a clerk at a Fifth Avenue establishment informed me upon entry that they don’t carry anything “someone like me would be interested in,” I asked to speak to the manager. The hesitation I once felt about clapping back is now nonexistent, and though I’ve made peace with my desire for nice things versus society’s biases, I have to wonder at the continued prevalence of these attitudes. With retail in a slump and consumers heading online, ignoring the problem seems like a big mistake—huge."
August 29, 2018
Seeking Mystery Shoppers and Advisory Panel Members.
Join in the challenge to change adverse challenging environment and conditions of navigatingretail shopping while experience Black consumers have long endured by shaking and waking up British retailers to address the 'Shopping While Black' discrimination issue of racial profiling.
Shopping While Black eXperience
Let's take the challenge of racial profiling to the retail industry boards to make discrimination of racial profiling a thing of the past. Time for British retailers to shape up and fix up to provide a fair and equal customer experience that fits all consumers alike regardless of ethnic characteristics
Two in five shoppers have experienced unfair treatment in a US retail store on the basis of their race or skin tone. This impacts the entire retail industry, and Sephora is not immune. We are taking action. Last year we commissioned the Racial Bias in Retail Study to gain the specific insights needed to create a robust action plan, and now we’re sharing this research to benefit all retailers and promote change in our industry. We are also rolling out our own multistep action plan aimed to create a fairer and more equitable Sephora experience for all
Check out Sephora's latest updates on our progress.
❤️ To learn specific information from Sephora's research and action plan, visit their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion page: CLICK BUTTON BELOW
The British Retailer’s 'Shopping While Black' Pledge is an invitation to UK retailers AND fee paying service providers to make a solid commitment to value its Black shoppers as well as the Black pound. What Black consumers are demanding is to end racial profiling and retail discrimination. The Pledge allows customers to know who in and up for the social challenge, and to choose to spend their Black pounds where retailers are committed to stepping up, leading the way for Black consumers to finally be valued and able enjoy their shopping experiences without the harmful discriminatory effects of racial profiling. Racial discrimination is illegal and against British law acted in United Kingdom.
Join UK businesses to end racism in retail.
While taking the pledge is free the extras in addition is a fee paying service, incorporatin, advisory, consultancy, support and mediation to resolve ( see no.2 - 4)
Pledge & Subscribe is to collaboratively, co-operate and work to achieve an equitable fair shopping experience offline and online at point of purchase to customer service after-sales.
to help end racial and ethnic profiling, discrimination is illegal in retail as it is everywhere else.Taking the pledge stand alone is free! Demonstrate your commitment to equal treatment for Black consumers in your retail business and service establishment.
Make it a Win, Win Situtation by changing the Situation.
Join UK corporate businesses to lead and partner to end racism in retail.
(In addition to Pledge is a Fee Paying Subscription)
Pledge & Subscribe to full package is to co-operate in collaborative partnership and action towards achieving the mutual goal of a fair and equitable shopping experience for Black consumers.
Subscribe to action plan, co-operate collaboratively to achieve a better equitable experience in retail and services and to end harmful hostile environment’s in retail and services industry. Ensure Black consumers are aware of your commitment and promise to embed an equitable experience and service in retail settings and spatial arenas. Black shoppers need to hear from you. Hear that you're committed to providing an equitable fair service, that they'll NOT automatically become a suspect of crime, stealing, theft by racially profiled as a potential shoplifter simply upon entering your premises having Black skin. This type of discriminatory act of racial profiling should never occur using your services online or offline, and or when seeking customer services before and after sales and or, including when making a informal or formal complaint.
The pledging and subscribing retailer commits to being pro-active, cooperative in collaboration as mutual drivers of race equality in all areas of the retail industry, behind the scenes as well as in front, in stores front facing customers, customers services. Commit to meet expectations of an equitable service provider, equally delivered to all of its shoppers and consumers of tangible products and overall services. And where it falls short, work co-operatively with us to support the shopper, your customers to get satisfaction.
Taking the pledge is free,however if you want to access our service as a partner to receive upon request, advice, consultancy, mediation and customers advisory el and board reports we charge a monthly fee of £416.66 monthly rolling subscription fee.
We automatically renew subscribersubscription without requiring subscribers having too. This will be a rolling contract that will automatically renew unless you opt out. You can opt out immediately, however we do require you to advise and contact us 30 days prior to renewal before cancelling so, we and services you subscribe to are not out of pocket. Should you cancel without notice we will invoice you for outstanding months fee.
Pledging is free but subscribing in vitally important as it helps us continue to provides ability to consult, to offer important advice, advocacy and support work for the Black Consumers as well as retailers. We offer both parties, the retailer and customer an wrap around support and service, online or in person, in physically as well as helpful meeting with the retailer whose taken the pledge and the customer, upon request.
If shopper have a bad experience in your store, which results in a complaint, talk to us and we can assist and be the mediator to resolve situation as swiftly and satisfactorily as possible, before escalating to legal pursuits.
Our involvement is not and never to deter consumers take action, where other option are available, and choices are openly available, this may of course include legal action. We do however, endeavour to work and impartially advocate to resolve issue so legal action or other severe cause for action and address may not be required, pursed and taken that ultimately causes harm to both parties.
We do hold retailers to account and expect retailers taking the pledge to uphold to their promise, open to scrutiny and accountability and to do the work, while adhering to the commitment of pledge with integrity, to which signed up to. Retailers can opt out at any time, when doing so we ask to advised and inform of intents to allow us to remove business material, logo, etc from any listings and or other promotional materials.
Co-operation and collaborative work for common goals across parties help power and empower social change.
Coming Soon...
Coming Soon...
Coming Soon...
Shopping While Black X Black Lives Matter
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