Retailers & Businesses



Shopping While Black initiative of Black Lives Matter UK is to help stamp out as racism and racial profiling in the retail and service industry. This campaign is to and ultimately eradicate racial profiling and racial discrimination widely operating in retail and service settings in UK as well as an unacceptable but common occurence in the USA.

Join our Campaign

Real change. Actioned By you.

Why Take the Pledge?

There’s no better time than the prensent, because racism in retail will not solve itself. Left by is self resentment from Black shopper festers as racial discrimination and unfair treament persists and is allowed to exist. Racism left on the shelf with inaction and stalling to address ultimately is bad for business as well as the mental health of Black consumers.

Black shoppers have been long been racially profiled and discriminated against in retail, in plain sight and on sight just for being Black.

  • Being Black should not make an individual a suspect or indicate a one is predisposed to shopping lifting.

  • Being Black should not make an customer to have to be exposed to becoming a subject of accusatory acts of criminality.

  • Being Black should not give any indication whatsoever or suggestion a Black shopper is about to do something wrong or commit a crime.

Businesses who wish to affirm they reject negative racial profiling and race discrimination against Black shoppers in their premises can pledge to provide an equal welcome to all shoppers.

Pledge to affirm your company is ready to show racism the door and the exit from your business,

Pledger can also choose to feature and get listed on our webstore as an official partner.

Take the Pledge Here!



Why wait when you can easily get started by taking the our FREE pledge today!!

1) Get Started - Read the SWB Charter

2) Get ReadING -The SWB Pledge



If you want to go further you can become an official Business Corporate Partner in leading the way to show racism the door and FINAL EXIT - See below

Partners Enhanced Resources & Support

Customer Feedback, Surveys, Advisory & Mediation Pack

  • 5,000 per year paid monthly at £416.66 GBP for each month

  • Retail Directory Inclusion

  • Automatic renewal until business cancel

  • Dedicated advisor, advisory board

  • Guidance and support — on the phone, by email or in person

Corporate Pledge & Subscribe Official Partners

Click here to Pledge & Subscibe

SWB Official Connect

Successful subscribers will be contacted to access and discuss where you business is at with your anti-racism and we are happy, willing to review your policies upon request, and help you in areas that need attention - develop stratergies, plan of action for businesses to successfully get to implementing a permanent operation in showing racism the final Exit.

Taking it right to the top and seats at the table!

Taking racism to the white board.

Time to shake and WAKE retailers to reality of the 'thing' Shopping While Black so they can properly start to address what is embedded racial profiling and racial discrimination in the retail industry that exists largely in the UK and US.

The writings on the wall...

Taking racism to the white board means the writings of change is on the wall for Black consumers

Our mission

The mission is to end the discriminatory racial profiling on Black shoppers and consumers, and we'll to do this by knocking on the door of leadership and head of the retail and service industry, to acknowledge address and fix. The retail business must implement stratergy that changes attitude at the top that filters down to operations on the shop floor.

Business MUST have a ZERO tolerance to racism to be able to root out racism, Companies MUST take a policy of ZERO tolerance - SHOW RACISM THE DOOR AND FINAL EXIT.

While retailers get to grips with the change and work required to give racism the final exit, SWB awareness campaign will expand and increase exposure of whai is is 'shopping while black'.

Anit-racist businesses must work to able to fix racism in retail & service sector. No industry is exempt from the work that needs to be done.


SWB & Businesses - Why choose us?

Partnering with our SWB campaign and intiative is beneficial to both consumer and retailer to better the relationship in the Black shopper community.

We're helping to address racism in retail to alter the hostile environment and the adverse conditions administered and widely operating in most UK & US stores and services settings, having embedded discriminatory attitudes and acts towards Black shoppers and consumers.

There is no justifiable or good reason for Black shoppers and consumers to be met with racism while shopping or to have toi tolerate the adverse conditions that's let the phenomenon thrive and phrase in the UK & US be known as a thing named  'Shopping While Black'.

Partner and work with us to end racial profiling to enable all consumers to enjoy an equitable and fair shopping experience.






Marketplace featuring trusted circle of retailers and services

🛍️ How Does It Works? 🛒



WE works with BUSINESSES to achieve a goal of creating a true anti-racist enviroment in the retail and service industry, to show racism the exit by dismantling and removing the barriers and current hostile environment Black shoppers report, experience and more and more evidence with recordings, statements for the world to witness.

SWB Pledgers - pledge to do better by Black Shoppers.


SWB Partnesr get a dedicated advisor, advisory board guidance, having shopping while Black lived experiences we'll be able to guide and support partners every step of the way and mediate — on the phone, by email or in person.


British Retailers Action Pledge

Action & Strategy

Retailers must be pro-active in a modern diverse world of retail, where customers still know best. Black shoppers need that consumers satisfaction!

Retailers need to step up and adopt action or strategy to avoid adverse circumstances, trauma for Black shoppers and potential and consequential lawsuits for businesses in retail and services.

Step up to meet Black consumers  expectation of equal treatment, and to be treated fairly aligned to white counterparts. Retailers must demonstrate the  pound in the Black hands is of equal value as pound in the white hand!

By taking no action retail executives are allowing the status quo of racial profiling and racism in stores to continue, which is offensive, is an offence and against the law.  The Black shopping experience is often an unpleasant experience not to enjoyed, can be traumatic and this needs to be fully recognised and addressed.

Not taking positive action these days will adversely impact on company profits, reputation of household and world renowned brands and on flip side the public health in the Black community.

Maybe you've been wondering what you can do about racial profiling and in a 24/7 connective world incidents are highlighted, recorded and posted on many social media platforms - As well as law suits, expect ed to increase in the UK as it is in the US.

There is no silver lined bullet solutions BUT you must act now before it effects you brand and your business. No retail business is exempt from profiling Black customers in a world where racism is embedded in its society. 

Partner with us to find solution and remedy



Partner with  us, free or paid pledge, with us retail & services will get you a dedicated SWB advisor who will guide and support you every step of the way go create a non-hostile anti-racist in retail, service and spatial settings — by email phone or in person upon request.

And consumers our target audience will begin to get to know with who, and where they are truly valued along with the Black pound in their hands.

If they don't talk and practice racial equality me must learn to walk...Take our pound to another store that talks the talk and walks the walk.

Shopping While Black

“Get with the program and campaign - Time to kick racism out of retail.

Black Shoppers Matter -

Shopping While Black


Profile is the recording and analysis of a person's psychological and behavioural characteristics.

Many intitutions are known to use racism in their profiling against Black people - Racial profiling is widely overtly as well as covertly operating throughout the retail and service industry in the UK. Retailers, services alike use this in a negative racial discriminatory manner, it's an egregious method to assess, and unfairly so predicting Black people capabilitie technique in retail, services settings, such as shops, stores, clubs, events and other retail spheres to assist in identifying susceptibility in carrying out acts of theft, entering spaces without paying and other criminal behaviour. Black people by retailers by large are seen to have a perpensity to shoplift and profiled as such upon entering retail spaces. This perpensity for Black people to shoplift, theive is unfounded and purley based on racism and little else. Racial profiling Black people this way is viewed direclty from the eyes of racists and racist procedures.

Racial profiling and racial discrimination is illegally and unduly operating 24hrs a day to the detriment of Black shopper, retail customers and consumers.

Along with you, and retail partners we're building a future where the experience of shopping while Black isn't being seen as criminal first the instant stepping into a store, moreso to be seen as a valued customer who too should enjoys equality and equity as a human and consumers right to shop without being racially profiled and discriminated against.

With your participation we are setting the scene where it is no longer accepted, BUT clearly made known it's unacceptable to automatically set a default position by the colour of customers skin that denotes a retail shoplifting risk

We taking on the retail industry who racially profiles Black consumers as potential shoplifters first as criminal rather than customer with spending power

We should be able to rightfully expect retailers to treat us as worthy and value us as customers

We want retailer to operate safe shopping spaces and not hostile settings for Black shopper only

We are entitiled to a shopping while Black experience on equal par to shopping while white experience

We demand British retailers operate ZERO tolerance to RACISM in retail settings

You can help spread the word by sharing the news!

WE all have a role and with all of us working together we can all play a part in acheiving and accomplishing enviroments that have zero tolerance to all forms of discrimination in all areas.

To contribute to our campaign, send us a message and will get back to you soon.

Shopping While Black X Black Lives Matter Initiative

Take the pledge

End racism

Take the pledge, it's FREE!




Add logo website.


Shopping While Black empowers and places agency in the hands of the Black British consumers to hold retailers to account and to provide and equitable shopping experiences of equity and equality when presenting in their outlet and accessing customer services in person, virtually and or contact centres.

Shopping While Black also empowers and places agency in the hands of retailers to take account and to provide and equitable shopping experiences and value their diverse shoppers of all shades that present, choosing their outlet and be able to access and equitable customer service be it in person, virtually and or calling up contact centres.

We support and advocate Black consumers who feel they are racially profiled, we work on their behalf to consult with retailers on the 'welcomes' and services they receive and or denied and experienced by Black shoppers, from their perpectives.

We challange as well a consult, in a collabaratively wahy to co-operate and work with British retailers to set better standards of professional practice and conduct from their security guards and emplyees deliver that's tangibly felt by Black consumers on the high street, servces and or in virtual arenas.

Shopping While Black UK is a condition and problematic issue in the retail industry and settingas that needs to be confronted and addressed. The title is exactly what it says on the tin and is the phase commonly experienced by a certain section of society only, the Black community and is known worldwide, particularly in the US & UK called 'Shopping While Black'.

We ready to confront it head on with retailers and provide expert advice within this particular theme and field of the experience of the shop and consumers.

Anti-Profiling Remedy

Solution & Remedy

5 Step Solution to

Solve & Remedy

Solution & Remedy

5 Step Solution to Remedy

  1. Create strategies for impact,
  2. Conduct an implicit bias assessment
  3. Hire Black people in leadership
  4. Require mandatory implicit and explicit bias training
  5. Create an accountability structure

A Black customer was awarded $4.4 million in damages in racial profiling lawsuit against Walmart

Strategic Management

5 Phases of Strategic Management

Strategic Management

5 Phases of Strategic Management

    1. Establish clear, realistic goals
    2. Retailer must then be able to examine, understand, and codify
    3. Based on the results of the analysis, the company can then develop its strategy,
    4. Once the strategies are defined, it is time for execution
    5. The final stage of strategic management

Pledge & Subscribe

5 Point Action Plan

Pledge & Subscribe Package

5 Point Action Plan

  1. Pledge & Subscribe
  2. The Action is to work collaboratively, consult and co-operate with in order to create produce a fair equitable shopping experiences for Black consumers, service users
  3. The plan is to invites Black consumers to join advisory board as panel member to share experiences, and progress
  4. The commintmet comes from retailer and service providers to complete the work required to end retail racial profiling and discrimination
  5. Program includes Support, Advice, Consultation, Mediation, Resolution.
